Tuesday, April 28, 2009

T-Minus 39 days

Well, the countdown is officially on. 39 days and I will no longer be living in Canada.

I just dropped Robin off at the airport and we had our very last good bye as a long-distance couple. It was a very strange moment for us. Sadder than usual, but also very exciting. We have been looking forward to this moment of our lives for a very long time (almost 6 years!) and it's finally happening. I must say that I always knew in my heart it was going to happen, so that never worried me. And, I know it's not going to be easy. We have a long road of adjusting ahead of us. But, I'm not scared. Nervous about a new job and making new friends? Yes, definitely. But I'm not at all scared.

I've always loved change, embraced change with big open arms and this case is no different for me. Don't get me wrong, I will miss my family and friends deeply, more than they will ever know. But I am confident that this is the right thing for me to do right now and appreciate their support so much.

I don't even feel like a chapter of my life is ending. I feel like I'm nearing the end of Part. 1. And, on June 6th, Part 2 will begin. In my case, Part 1 has a very happy ending and I'm looking forward to a different set of adventures and challenges and hope that you'll follow me as I begin the next part of my life. Don't you love finishing a really good book and then realizing that the book as a sequel? I love that feeling.

I plan to use this blog to showcase my experience and adventures in NYC. Sounds silly to say it, but I'm going to be a new immigrant. How cool is that? I'm packing my bags and leaving everything I know and love behind... but I'm doing it for love and honestly who wouldn't?

I'll try to post lots of photos and capture my new life for everyone to see.

Stay tuned!

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